
Over the years, my yoga practice has evolved. It began with learning to trust my body, to build my strength and to relieve my stress. I enrolled in my 200-hour yoga teacher training in 2015 at Wake Up Yoga Philly seeking to learn how to create my own practice. Along the way found a deep love for teaching, for sharing knowledge with others. That part of my journey also helped me to heal & recover from the effects of being self-diagnosed “perfectionist” and provided me with the insight and capability to hold space compassionately for all parts of myself, just as I do for others. I became really drawn to meditation and to the Yamas\Niyamas (the moral and ethical framework & philosophy) and now find my practice *most of the time* is intentionally slowing down and letting go of what’s not serving my or in align with my vision for the world, one of liberation & love.
In doing so, yoga has helped me to gain clarity and establish a guiding intention to bring forth into my life’s work. And so my journey has unfolded in a new way recently by leading me to pursue a different career, for now, one where I’ll be of service to ending violence in our communities. Yoga will undoubtably provide me with the tools I need to navigate this work. I’m so excited to see how my practice will transform.
For now, I will only be teaching yin yoga virtually on zoom every Tuesday night at 7 pm (EST) through Willow Yoga Studio – You are always welcome to join as I share space to be, fully. I hope, in time, to also evolve my teaching offerings once I settle into this new groove. Connecting with y’all and creating community will always be so special to me!